The Mystery of the Strong Man Part 1
Luke 11: 21: “When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, …

The Mystery of the Strongman Part 2
Mathew 12:28-29 “ But if I cast out demons by the Spirit …

Fulfill your part
By Rev. Evans Vincent Hiadzi 2Chron 15:11 God commanded …

The Presence and the Church Growth
Your Stability is Very Critical I will keep teaching on …
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We provide you with the best biblical teachings that you need for your Christian life.
To train, empower and equip the local church as the vehicle of God's expression of his reality in the affairs of life.
To bring back the lost glory of God's reality in the affairs of Life.
Make ready a people prepared for the Lord's coming (Luke 1: 15-17)
Bring attention and focus back to Jesus
Show God forth as the God of Glory, Beauty and Quality.
Build the Lord a secure base
Be a Harbour for distressed ships
Be a lightehouse for ships far at sea.
Spread a table in the wilderness for all to eat and be refreshed
Early Beginnings: The mandate that saw the birth of the HALL OF STRENGTH MINISTRIES, could be expressed in the words of the lord, spoken to His servant during a Church service (which reads) bring back the lost glory of my reality.
To fully understand the Father’s heart concerning this message and the call to ministry, series of prayer meetings were convened.
During one of such prayer meetings and time of deep heart search before the Lord, He further said, It will take more than words.
Raised from the DeadFrom a sister in TogoMy child was ill for sometime and one evening after a long battle with illness, my child died in my arms. I did not know what to do, i cried and prayed and made declarations yet to no effect. My child remained dead. In my sorrow, a though occurred to me to place one of the Camp Elim flyers i still had on my child. I picked up the flyer and told God, i do not have anyone to call on for help, i do not even know the pastor on a personal bases, i have just listened to his sermons and watched him from afar.
Mental IllnessAlex KodjoI Was suffering from mental stress and always thinking about the illness i have and never slept for days thinking negatively. But when i turned to my father god he gave me comfort always cures me. He his behind me every time and boost me whenever I'm anxious or stressed. I have to believe him completely to get all rid of stress I'm feeling right now. He is my Jehovah Rapha will cure my problems for sure. Thank you my Loving father Jesus Christ.
God is AwesomeFred KwasonGod has been so good to me! It was placed upon my heart to share my testimony and let someone know that God will do it! A year ago today,I went to the hospital for what I thought to be a bladder infection, I told the staff that the left side of my back was hurting. They took a urine test,gave me a shot for pain in my back and said that it was my urinary tract. 3 days later, I could barely walk. Went to the doctor's office and got to the back,my fever was 104.6. He said,something is very wrong here and ordered me to get further testing.
God Saved Me From The PitMr. Alfred KwameGod is SO good! I love him so much and praise be to His holy name. I would like to start my testimony by sharing a little bit about my life before God turned it around. Since I was born I was brought up in Christ and always had a strong faith and belief in God, however I became very rebellious at a young age due to growing up in a split family and watching my father suffer from alcohol abuse. (He is now remarried and has not had a drink in 16 years.) When I was 16 I became an alcoholic. I drank myself to death almost every night for years also while suffering from bulimia.